I hereby apply for a licence to ride my Horse/Pony on Toll Routes managed by East Anglian Farm Rides. This licence is not transferable. I understand the Toll Routes are not owned by East Anglian Farm Rides, and it is therefore in my interest not to abuse the use of these routes in any way. Routes will only be open during daylight hours. I agree to abide by the following rules whilst using these Toll Routes:- 1. I agree that by riding on these Private Toll Routes, that I will not claim any Legal Right of Way over the land on which I will be riding, and only ride on these routes as a Licence Holder of East Anglian Farm Rides. 2. That I will wear the coloured Hang Tag which I will be issued, at all times whilst riding on routes managed by East Anglian Farm Rides. 3. That I will wear a properly fitted hard hat at all times. 4. I will stay strictly on the routes which will be indicated on the maps which will be issued to me and by waymarkers. I will not ride on crops or ride irresponsibly if the going is soft. I will close any gates, which I have to open. I will take all reasonable steps not to disturb livestock. I will not take any dogs with me on these routes. 5. I accept that all routes will be closed on Christmas Day each year, and some routes may close on set days, eg shooting. I will check the farm maps and quarterly newsletters which I will be issued with for exact details. 6. I agree that if I abuse these rules, the landowner or his servants, or management of East Anglian Farm Rides may withdraw this licence. East Anglian Farm Rides will arbitrate in any disputes with landowners. 7. I agree to take out public liability insurance to cover me in the event of any accident or any claim which might be made against me as a result of riding on these Toll Routes. Family and Riding School rates on application. These fees are non-refundable.
EAFR Membership Fees: Adults (Over 18) - £140 per year or £14 monthly. Children (Under 18) - £120 per year or £12 monthly Family and Riding School rates are available on application. Please contact us to discuss fees. Click here to pay online
EAFR Membership Fees: Adults (Over 18) - £140 per year or £14 monthly. Children (Under 18) - £120 per year or £12 monthly Family and Riding School rates are available on application. Please contact us to discuss fees. Click here to pay online
Pay by cheque. Please send cheques payable to East Anglian Farm Rides for your Licence Fee for the period 1st April 20** until 31st March the following year. Please post your cheque, along with your application form - Click Here to download to: EAFR, Manor Bungalow, Church Road, Little Bentley, Colchester, Essex, CO7 8SE. Fees are non-refundable. Pay By Bacs / Bank Transfer You may also pay for your EAFR License by Bacs / Online Bank Transfer. Please email the office for details. Email Us Pay by Standing Order Click here for standing order application. Thank You..?